The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Currently making money and loving life. In early June I came back from a trip to Italy (Milan, Rome and Venice) and in July I will be in Hawaii for my 27th birthday. I am work at Technicolor NYC as a Technical Operations Assistant for colorists and editors of feature films and TV. My sister just graduated from City College of NY, my mom is going to Germany for some teaching seminars and my Dad retired at the end of last year and is currently the President of my building and the Church Council. There are too many memories of my favorite moments at school to name here so here are the top: the loud, partying moments of my first year in Niagara Hall, 8am Symbolic Logic class (lol), acting class, walking down Cooper Road, Jimmy Z's, the Junker Center, playing Intramural soccer and basketball, the late blustery nights on the bridge by Ohio Hall, playing hacky sack underneath the hot spot of Porcupine Hall, parties at TKE's, brunch at Dobbins!, Astronomy Lab class, playing in the snow, snowball fights, laying in the grass, playing frisbee, chilling by the GORGE!!! driving around the campus, grasshoppers @ Bruno's, MCC Events, (as the executive board President of ABC) the adrenaline rush to write proposals for consideration by SGA AND SAF, and of course the NECESSARY MOVEMENT.